Influencing Buyer Decisions Using Video
Influencing Buyer Decisions Running Demand Generation at a company that offers the leading Video Marketing Platform means I have to include video as a major component of almost every campaign we run (we gotta eat our own dog-food!). But when it comes down to it my responsibility is all about influencing buyer decisions to drive…
Marketing Content: Short and Sweet Wins the Race
Fluff in marketing content is dead – or at least it should be. This article serves as a reminder (and hopefully an example) of this. Get to your point quickly to be more effective. quanox gotas dosis para niños para que sirve Recent Events Several recent events have reminded me that short marketing content is…
Gangnam Style Content
Content is king and the fuel for your revenue engine.  Unfortunately, it’s also one of the hardest pieces to master.  Content marketing is a rapidly expanding discipline with a growing array of options to help you pump out better content faster. Hubspot has long stood as one of the leading content super-producers in the marketing arena.  They always seem…