Communitech Strategic Marketing P2P

Building a Revenue Engine – Revenue Engineer

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This morning I had the pleasure of speaking to a group of technology marketers in Kitchener/Waterloo.  This Strategic Marketing Peer2Peer session was put on by Communitech at the Desire2Learn office inside The Tannery.

We discussed stages in the revenue engine, marketing automation, revenue performance management, and organizational structures. انواع البوكر  The group was very engaged and there was a lot of valuable information shared.  It would seem that marketing automation is about to hit a tipping point in Canada’s tech hotspot as many organizations are actively researching marketing automation platforms to help meet their business demands.

Included are slides from the presentation and a few pictures of the early risers that joined us. لعبة روليت للايفون  During the coming weeks I will be posting much of the content and discussions from the session on this blog in more detail.  Stay tuned!


An in depth post on Why Marketing Automation Can Fail and How to Ensure it Doesn’t has been posted.